Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter knitting

whenever winter rolls around, it always feels good to pull out my knitting needles and yarn. i started knitting when we moved to Madison and while i'm not a fast knitter, there is something satisfying about knitting warm winter wear. i haven't ventured into knitting ambitious projects like sweaters and such, but i do enjoy knitting mittens and scarves and leg warmers. mittens are a necessity every winter - someone is always either losing them, or shrinking them, or growing out of them. right now, i'm in the middle of knitting a new pair of pink mittens for Skye who seems to be growing long every which way (Lamb's Pride worsted wool) and i finished a scarf for myself - i stitched the ends together so that i don't have to tie the scarf around my neck, i just loop it around twice, saving me a few precious moments when bundling everyone up (malabrigo yarn in holly hock).

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