Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

this weekend officially marks the beginning of summer for us. the pool opens, the weather is (hopefully) warm, and...Brat Fest!! it was a busy weekend for us. as soon as the sun came out, we dashed off to the pool and the girls swam even though the water was ice cold. i refused to go in - just my toes felt the water. no matter how much i love my girls, i refuse to turn into an icicle.

warmer weather means friends outside, so my girls are forever asking, who's that? whenever they hear someone outside. then they rush to the window to see if one of their friends are out playing. it is almost impossible to bring them back into the house, but i suppose this is what summers are for.

every year, i forget about Brat Fest. and then it is upon us and we as a family collectively agree to go without thinking. in fact, i look forward to it. and then when we get there, i wonder what on earth i was thinking. the crowd is unbelievable. they charge so much money for the little rides for the kids. the brats themselves don't cost much, but everything else that comes with it does. Claire wanted the carousel ride. Skye wanted the gravity storm ride (please see the movie of her on the bungee cords). ice cream. etc, etc. BUT the girls love it for some reason and we go back every year. without fail.

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