Saturday, December 20, 2008

Skye's ballet recital

last week, Skye had her final ballet class for the year which is a recital for the family and friends to attend. here are some shots as well as a movie from the recital. i've posted lots more movies from the recital at vimeo, so please watch! :)

Skye goes to a ballet school called Storybook Ballet. they focus on the drama of ballet at this early stage, not so much on getting the steps right. every week, they read a story during class and then after learning some ballet steps, they dress up in costumes and act out parts of the story they just read. for the recital, the girls were all dressed up for "Cinderella."

here is one video of the recital. i've posted several more, so please watch! in this one, you will see how Claire disrupts the dance!! :)

Skye's ballet recital from slkim on Vimeo.

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