Friday, September 5, 2008

Ballet lesson

yesterday, i returned to weekly ballet classes. it was good, but as usual on the first day of class, i realized how weak my muscles have gotten over my time off from class and sure enough, i'm rather sore today. my teacher is quite eccentric and i was slightly worried about him - i had him for the first time last semester - because he talks incessantly during class and eats away at the time during which we could be dancing. but, in the midst of all his talk, there are some jewels to be found. yesterday, he was correcting us on our cambre into the barre and said we need to look at our bodies as parallel lines that sway together to create a picture. i love it when he talks like that! it is the reason why i take ballet - i'm always creating something on paper, either with paint or with words. ballet helps me get out of that - ballet is movement, creating something with my body and the space around it. and so much more immediate and temporal. i hope it is feeding my writing.

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