Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lemonade Stand

yesterday, Skye had her first lemonade stand. it was lots of fun! we made fresh squeezed lemonade and set up a table right in front of our house. we had told all our neighbours ahead of time, so they all came out and we had a kind of mini block party. Skye loved it! she has been really eager about making some money because she's seen other kids using their own money to buy snacks at the pool concession stand and buying "stuff" at stores. we need to start giving her an allowance soon, but she hasn't asked for an allowance yet, so we're sort of waiting until she actually asks! Skye made a total of $9! she was just thrilled to have so much cash in her little wallet at the end of her sale! :) it's really sweet--she's spent her first $2 on little knick-knacks that she likes and i'm trying to encourage her not to spend all her money too soon! she wants to have another lemonade stand soon, but i'm pooped from squeezing all those lemons!

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