Saturday, August 30, 2008

Getting ready for Kindergarten

on thursday, we went to Skye's kindergarten open house. we got to see her new classroom, meet her new teacher, find her locker, and meet some of the kids who will be her new friends. it was very exciting! we will have alot to learn in the first few weeks. my head is sort of swimming with all the new rules and routines i'll have to remember. and i'll have to make an effort to stay involved by volunteering in the classroom. but i'm most happy that Skye seems very very comfortable in her new classroom and her teacher seems to have a temperament that will be compatible with Skye's temperament.

and Claire also seems very comfortable with Skye's new school! i could easily have left her there to play - she was wandering around as if she knew exactly where to go! but her favourite part of the open house? the bright yellow school bus that was parked outside for the kids to climb up and get used to for their first day of school. Claire refused to get off the bus - i almost carried her off screaming!

i'm not nervous about the first day of kindergarten - i think Skye and Claire will adjust just fine to all the new changes, but i do feel overwhelmed with just how fast our girls are growing up! and this is also the end of summer...this summer, as last summer, was full and fun and oh so busy. the pool closes this weekend and we're sad about that, but we sure put in A LOT of swimming this summer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Busy month of August

phew! it's hard to believe that August is almost over. and what a full month it has been. i will try to catch up as best as i can, but most likely, it's going to be more like a list of things we did and photos of our various trips and activities.

first of all, we had many celebrations in August. Phil and i celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. we celebrated my father's birthday, my nephew Amoz's birthday and my birthday.

we went on a trip to southern California. we drove to Zeeland, Michigan--it was our girls' first long road trip. we had a great time in both places. in CA, we met up with our friends Mary, Martin and their baby Camille. we visited the beautiful aquarium at Long Beach and played on the beaches. we ate lots of delicious Korean food.

the drive to Zeeland was hard for the girls, but they survived. we broke up the ride a little for them by stopping in Chicago for lunch with Phil's parents on the way to and then for lunch with friends on the way back. Zeeland is close to Lake Michigan and so we were able to visit the beach there and it was beautiful. it was great to visit my parents' new home in the States. it was great to see them settled and to see the community they live in.

and on top of all the travelling, we have been busy getting ready for the school year. we registered Skye for kindergarten and learned who her teacher would be for the year. we have visited her school several times to get her used to the environment, and we go back to the school tomorrow for open house where Skye will be able to play in her new classroom and meet some of her classmates. it'll be quite exciting! i've been busy getting ready for Claire too. i've signed up for a music class with her and will be busy setting up playdates for Claire so that we can keep busy while Skye is away all day!

here we are at Griffith Park in LA. Skye enjoyed a pony ride and Claire and Skye loved the great carousel!

the girls enjoy some down time...

beach time!

enjoying the beautiful jelly fish at the aquarium

with our friends, Mary, Martin and baby Camille!

in between our trip to LA and our trip to Zeeland, we had a few days back in Madison for some down time. our neighbour stopped by one day and asked us if we would have any use for some very large furniture boxes. i spent one morning working on the boxes and voila! except now i'm not sure where i'll put it when we have guests over...

in Zeeland, MI.
Skye goes fishing! but those sneaky little fish...they gobbled up the bait and refused to get caught! but we did end up enjoying feeding the ducks and the geese who also occupied the pond.

the beach at Holland, MI

the girls had a fantastic time with grandparents. they even endeared themselves to my parents' neighbour who gave the girls each a piggy bank from her rather large collection of piggy banks. here are the girls each holding their pigs.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Trip to LA

we'll leave for LA tomorrow morning, super early, and will be there until the 16th. i'll try to keep blogging while i'm away, but that depends entirely on what kind of wireless access i'll have. but keep checking back!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer days

one thing we love about summer days is getting to eat popsicles. i try to avoid the ones they sell at the pool concession stand, at the zoo, and wherever kids go in the summer time. not the best things to eat, but kids just love them. instead, i am giving my kids popsicles at home that i've made, in the hopes that they will prefer mine over the other kind. :) so far, we've enjoyed popsicles made with lemonade with fresh raspberries floating throughout, and i've even mashed up watermelon and frozen those. the mashed up watermelon was quite a hit! it's a great way to enjoy fruit in the hot weather.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lemonade Stand

yesterday, Skye had her first lemonade stand. it was lots of fun! we made fresh squeezed lemonade and set up a table right in front of our house. we had told all our neighbours ahead of time, so they all came out and we had a kind of mini block party. Skye loved it! she has been really eager about making some money because she's seen other kids using their own money to buy snacks at the pool concession stand and buying "stuff" at stores. we need to start giving her an allowance soon, but she hasn't asked for an allowance yet, so we're sort of waiting until she actually asks! Skye made a total of $9! she was just thrilled to have so much cash in her little wallet at the end of her sale! :) it's really sweet--she's spent her first $2 on little knick-knacks that she likes and i'm trying to encourage her not to spend all her money too soon! she wants to have another lemonade stand soon, but i'm pooped from squeezing all those lemons!