Sunday, December 2, 2007

First Sunday of Advent

we didn't make an advent wreath as we've done in the past - this year, i decided to just have candles - does that still make it legitimate? i hope so! in the past, Skye enjoyed celebrating Advent because it gave her the opportunity to learn all the words of the Christmas carols. then when we went to church for Christmas eve, she'd be able to sing along with everyone else. today, she asked what "hope" meant because we were talking about hope. Phil explained it's like wishing for something. Skye wishes for things all the time. i told her it's like Christmas day - you're waiting and waiting for it to come quickly, you know it's coming, but you have to wait for it to arrive.

it's sort of daunting to think about a day when all our hopes and dreams and longings are fulfilled. so much of our life is made up of hopes and dreams and waiting. it's hard to imagine what it would be like to not wait and not long for anything anymore. but how wonderful that day will be!

Claire is busy learning to communicate with us. these days she points to things with her finger and says something that resembles "this" (th-ssssss). i think it's because we respond to her usually with "do you want this?" she's very careful around the Christmas tree. i expected her to pull off all the ornaments in her reach, but they remain mostly on the tree.

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