Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Neighbour Totoro

so i finally went ahead and bought the DVD of My Neighbour Totoro and my kids love it!! my girls rarely watch TV or movies because Skye gets terrified of things i wouldn't think scary. usually, if there's too much excitement or too much anticipation, she gets really worked up and can't watch. so, my kids hardly ever watch movies. but, i love My Neighbour Totoro and i took the risk of showing it to them. they ADORE it!! even Claire loves it. i think they immediately identified with the sisters, Satsuki and Mei (in fact, Claire reminds me alot of Mei) and they understood the humour.

so, as i get ready for our trip to Europe next week, i'm definitely packing My Neighbour Totoro! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Phil's birthday

here is Phil on his birthday with his girls, wearing the special party hat Skye made for him. :)

Happy Birthday, Phil! from slkim on Vimeo.

Phil's birthday was also Skye's last day of kindergarten. what a difference from her first day of kindergarten, when we were all emotional about the big step she was taking!

Skye's last day of kindergarten from slkim on Vimeo.

and Claire has learned to ride the tricycle all by herself! i think i showed her how to peddle once or twice, but the other day, all of a sudden, i noticed she was riding without any help!!

Claire learns to ride a tricycle! from slkim on Vimeo.